All zazzle artists can submit their designs via email (look in the 'Promoting and generating traffic' forum and find my post (dated 23.01.12) for the email address to send your links to. (I will change the email when needed to help prevent spam)
There is a limit of 1 Submission per zazzle shop per day.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
BKMuir sent you a Collection: Peacock
Zazzle Water Bottle from marcia s.: Water Bottle, Personalized, Soccer...
Zazzle Poster from Bebops: Frost on Red and Green Geranium Leaves
Friday, 2 December 2016
Zazzle Card from Bebops
Zazzle Desk Nameplate from marcia s.: Acrylic Desk Nameplate, Faux Lig...