All zazzle artists can submit their designs via email (look in the 'Promoting and generating traffic' forum and find my post (dated 23.01.12) for the email address to send your links to. (I will change the email when needed to help prevent spam)
There is a limit of 1 Submission per zazzle shop per day.
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Bold and Colorful Merry Christmas Cards
Spread the holiday cheer with these bright and colorful Christmas cards.
North American and Pelican Nebulae iPhone 4/4S Case
another talented creative from the Zazzle community!
tagged with: dust clouds, new born stars, star nursery, nanpn, interstellar hydrogen clouds, emission nebulae, pelican nebula, north american nebula, astronomy pictures, galaxies, phone covers, phone shells, phone protectors, hot young stars
Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series A gorgeous picture from outer space featuring the North American and Pelican emission nebulae in the constellation of Cygnus, The Swan. The red, green and yellow areas all highlight the cloud of interstellar ionised hydrogen.
more items with this image
more items in the Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series
image code: nanpn
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
»visit the HightonRidley store for more designs and products like this
Trick or Treat Halloween Birthday Invitation
This Halloween Birthday invitation can be change to Halloween Party invitation. Graphics ©Just for Scrappy too
Zazzle Mug from Sand Creek Ventures: Green Tree Merry Christmas
Zazzle Invitation from Avenue Central: Silver Brocade Turquoise Bow
Zazzle Wrapping Paper from Bebop's Weddings: Finches Wedding
Zazzle Card from Electrovista: Gold 3D Power Symbols