tagged with: billowing interstellar gas clouds, cnbigc, star forming activity, carina nebula, star nurseries, stellar winds, outer space photography, pillars of creation, outer space images, astronomy space pictures, star galaxies, gas cloud sculpture, young hot stars
Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series A beautiful space photograph featuring the 7500 light year distant Carina Nebula, known as the Pillars of Creation. This Hubble image shows rich, interstellar gas clouds feeding the formation of new stars. As a proto star forms, the gas clouds get dragged to its surface and some gets emitted as tight jets of material travelling at hundreds of miles per second. These in turn help sculpt the gas clouds into weird and grotesque shapes, some looking like strange worms, swimming through space.
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image code: cnbigc
Image credit: NASA, the Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI) and ESA
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