All zazzle artists can submit their designs via email (look in the 'Promoting and generating traffic' forum and find my post (dated 23.01.12) for the email address to send your links to. (I will change the email when needed to help prevent spam)
There is a limit of 1 Submission per zazzle shop per day.
Saturday, 23 May 2015
Zazzle Ribbon from Rocklawn Arts: Blue and White Chevrons
Zazzle Visor from Bebops: Cucumber Pickles and Flowers Headsweats Viso...
Zazzle Throw Pillow from Electrovista: Keep Calm and Eat Bacon
Friday, 22 May 2015
The Rose Galaxies, Arp 273 iPhone 4/4S Cover
tagged with: star forming activity, new born stars, star nursery, trgarp, interacting spiral galaxies, rose galaxy, arp 273, hubble space pictures, outer space exploration, star gazing photographs, phone shells, phone protectors, phone skins
Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series An amazing outer space picture featuring two interacting galaxies that together form the shape of a rose. The larger of the spiral galaxies, UGC 1810, has a disk that is twisted by the gravitational pull of its companion galaxy, UGC 1813.
Knots of young, hot blue stars bejewel the spirals arms in glistening starlight while below, its smaller, nearly edge-on companion is going through intense star formation at its centre, perhaps triggered by their encounter.
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more items in the Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series
image code: trgarp
Image credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
»visit the HightonRidley store for more designs and products like this
Zazzle Postcard from Rocklawn Arts: Two Oriental Poppies
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